Counseling in Katy, TX: How Exercise Impacts Mental Health

Exercise is good for you. Everyone knows that, literally everyone, and still every time going to the gym crosses my mind, I still think “No, I don’t like to sweat. Cardio is awful, don’t sign me up for cardio,” and “Weights are heavy, I don’t want to lift those.” Exercise sounds sweaty, uncomfortable, and simply not a good time. However, I fight those voices to quiet down, and I exercise anyway, and you know what?? I feel good! I can feel how exercise is nourishing my mental health as well as my physical strength and stamina. Learning how physical health and mental health work together just might stimulate your counseling in Katy, TX journey. 

Let’s look at some of the important benefits of physical exercise:

  • Physically feeling good promotes emotional wellness

I had to fully change the way I view exercising in order to convince myself to workout. I had to re-train my brain to not look at exercise as a punishment, and instead, look at it as showing myself what my body is capable of. The ability to regularly add physical exercise to your life is impressive! It’s something to be proud of. Allow yourself to feel appreciative of the physical abilities of your body, and let the positivity fuel your drive to continue. The physical changes in your body should also be enjoyed. Hard work pays off, and it deserves to be valued. Let your self esteem flourish!

  • Endorphins

When the heart rate increases, the body releases endorphins. Endorphins are a chemical that generates a feeling of happiness. Have you ever heard of a “runner’s high?” This occurs when a runner is served an extra large helping of this natural happy chemical after exerting a high level of physical energy for an extended period of time. Luckily, that feeling doesn’t come only from running, it can come from any form of physicality that is boosting the heart rate. 

  • Neurogenesis

Neurogenesis is a very sciency thing that happens when the brain forms new neural connections with nerve cells in the brain. When new connections are made, it strengthens the hippocampus, improving memory. Physical exercise stimulates the area of the brain that this occurs in. Basically, this means that exercise improves your cognitive health. 

  • Completing the Cycle of Anxiety

Due to different stressors that we encounter throughout the day, every person is in need of some physical movement to complete the cycle of anxiety and return to a resting, relaxed state. Exercise can be a simple, effective way to provide the physical relief needed to complete the cycle.

  • Quality Sleep

How many nights have you struggled to fall asleep? Some nights the brain is too active, then some nights, the mental exhaustion is there, but the body is still wired. If your mind and body cannot sync up, it makes falling asleep extremely difficult, and when you can fall asleep, the sleep isn’t very high quality. This can lead to a seemingly endless cycle of exhaustion. After a workout, the body can feel physically tired, making sleep come more easily. Adding physical exertion to your daily routine can force the mental and physical energies to synchronize themselves, producing quality, restful sleep on a “whole” level versus only a mental OR physical level.

On a very practical level, we can look at this through the lens of spending a day working in the yard. You have exerted physical exercise, and accomplished a task; increasing your heart rate through physical exercise should give you a sense of accomplishment, developing your self-esteem. Endorphins were released causing your happiness level to rise, and you have stimulated your hippocampus resulting in better memory as a byproduct. The physical exertion has released enough built up energy to complete the cycle of anxiety, allowing you to return to a relaxed state, granting you a peaceful night of quality sleep. All of these things come together to promote a stronger mental health in your daily life.

Counseling in Katy, TX can be even more effective if you add physical activity to your routine. If exercise is added to your day to day life, imagine the level of comfort you could cultivate. Let the exercise to better mental health begin with you. Let’s work together, today! Contact me at 281-937-4737 for a free consultation to learn the skills needed to live a happy, healthier, fulfilled life.


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