Counseling in Katy, TX: Focus Points During a Consultation

Have you ever been to an ice cream shop and had a hard time deciding what flavor ice cream to choose? Decision paralysis occurs when a person has too many options to choose from: they become overwhelmed with the possibility of not choosing the correct outcome, or choosing an outcome that is not the most superior solution. Beginning counseling in Katy, TX can feel much the same way due to the many different counselors you can choose to work with. In just a few clicks you can find a vast array of counselors in Katy, TX that would be happy to help you become the person you want to be, so how does someone find the right counselor for them? Most counselors in Katy, TX will offer a free 15 minute consultation. Please, use these 15 minutes to cover topics that will be most beneficial for you.

Focus Points During a Consultation

  • Areas of Specialty

  • How Sessions are Conducted

  • Frequency of Sessions and Payment

  • Cancellation Policy

Areas of Specialty

Counselors study through years of schooling and outside training in order to help clients to the best of their abilities. While they are in school, counselors will specialize in different techniques and styles of therapy. It is critical to share what you are looking for in a counselor, and what goals you are aiming to achieve; counseling in Katy, TX is only effective if you, and your counselor, are working toward the same goals. 

It’s important to note that specializing in an area comes with very specific, additional training, and certifications, so it is not uncommon for counselors who specialize in a particular technique to charge a bit more with their sessions. That is not a negative thing; do not let that deter you. That means that this counselor focuses on this specific skill set with their clients, and feels like they get the best results with this technique.


When researching counseling in Katy, TX, spend some time reviewing what a typical 50 minute session will look like. Is this a structured session, or a free association session? What styles of counseling and techniques will this counselor in Katy, TX use? Will there be homework between the sessions? Take a moment and think about where you would prefer your counseling sessions to be located? Will they be virtual? Can you sit on your own couch in your own home for a session? Is that important to you? Will your sessions be in person sessions, or will there be the option for both in person, or virtual? It’s necessary to feel comfortable with the answers the counselor gives you before moving forward with a counselor in Katy, TX.

Frequency of Sessions and Payment

While practicing counseling in Katy, TX, counselors exercise their specialties and skills on a daily basis, and will probably have a good idea about the number of sessions it will take for their client to see progress, and achievement toward their goals. Your mental health is important, it’s your investment to make.

With mental health being such an investment, it’s crucial to think about payment for your sessions. To some, payment is just the swipe of a card, but to others, money is a sensitive topic. When navigating a consultation for counseling in Katy, TX, asking about payment can be scary, but it’s necessary to know what this investment will require of you. By talking to your counselor about the frequency of your sessions, you can determine how to move forward with payment.

Cancellation Policy

How many times have you made plans, then life happens, and plans get canceled: someone gets sick, a flat tire happens on the highway, you have to finish a project for work, etc.. Life has a lot of moving parts, and most of them are not on your timeline. It’s imperative to examine a counselor’s cancellation policy. When canceling at the last minute, there is sometimes a (quite large) fee. Depending on your counselor, and the situation, they may give you the option to switch to a virtual session. Make sure you check out the cancellation policy so you are not caught off guard when life gets in the way of your plans.

Exploring counseling in Katy, TX doesn’t have to be an intimidating task. It is important to use the consultations to ask very specific, necessary questions to help determine which counselor is right for your needs. If you are having a hard time pursuing counseling in Katy, TX, please call me at 281-937-4737 for a free 15 minute consultation. I will listen to your needs and goals, and direct you toward a counselor that will help you become your best self. 


Virtual Counseling in Katy, TX: Screen to Screen


Counseling in Katy, Texas: Finding the Right Fit for You