Virtual Counseling in Katy, TX: Screen to Screen

Have you ever played a virtual reality game? It’s a wholly immersive experience! Due to this encompassing way of gaming, you feel like you are in the middle of the action! Now, imagine what it would be like to get an immersive counseling experience from the comfort of your own home. Online counseling in Katy, TX is a great option to explore as you navigate your healing journey.

Are you skeptical that virtual counseling wouldn’t be as effective as in-person counseling? Maybe you are unsure of what to expect, or are curious if there are real life benefits when only meeting for counseling sessions in front of a screen? Let’s take a look at some of these concerns, and put your mind at ease.


As with all forms of counseling in Katy, TX, there are basic expectations that need to be met in order for online counseling to be effective. The most basic point that is necessary for virtual counseling is a stable internet connection. That may seem very simple, but, trust me, it’s worth noting. Another expectation for online counseling is a safe, quiet space where you are able to focus and speak to someone without the concern of being overheard. Punctuality, and presence, is just as important for a virtual counseling session as it is for an in-person session. Online counseling in Katy, TX can be equally as effective as traditional, face to face counseling, but it must start with security, and reliability. 

Internet Safety for Virtual Counseling

When considering virtual counseling, it’s completely understandable to wonder how secure it is. No one wants their personal information available on the internet, so the concern is extremely valid. The good news is that virtual counseling in Katy, TX is safe!! Online counselors use HIPAA secured, and protected platforms for counseling sessions. By doing this, they have the ability to make sure no one can “hack” into your sessions, find your information, or details on the internet. Your information, and you, are safe.

Effectiveness of Online Counseling

Virtual counseling in Katy, TX definitely has its benefits. There may not be more benefits to online counseling over in-person sessions, but there are benefits that cannot be received in person. How many times have you been comfortable at home, and just the idea of leaving your house sounds unappealing? With online counseling in Katy, TX, you don’t have to leave! You can stay right on your couch, and still have a private, effective counseling session. Raise your hand if traffic drives you nuts! Cross that right off your list, you don’t even have to get into your car. There is no travel time for you, except to your computer, or chosen screen. It can be difficult to carve time into your schedule for a regular counseling session. Virtual counseling can make that much simpler; you don’t need to use transportation, so you can squeeze in a session whenever you want, even over your lunch break at work! Online counseling in Katy, TX can guarantee that you will never run into an acquaintance, or anyone you could possibly know in an elevator. You will not see anyone that you are not prepared for. You have control over your setting, allowing you to be at your most comfortable while putting in the work for your mental health.

Specialties Across the State

Counselors have many techniques and styles of treatment that cater to different people with different personalities. One of the benefits of virtual counseling is the freedom to find a counselor that specializes in the treatment, or technique, that works the best for you. Brainspotting, a technique that I specialize in, has been proven to work in as soon as one session. Brainspotting is a technique developed by David Grand that focuses on spots in a person’s visual field to help them process trauma. During virtual sessions with me, you can receive brainspotting treatment, and counseling in Katy, TX from anywhere in Texas, or Illinois, there’s no commute! Virtual counseling allows doors to open for the client to connect with a counselor that would have been previously unavailable.

In-person sessions have long been the most common way to pursue counseling in Katy, TX, so I can understand the feeling of apprehension that comes with the new idea of virtual counseling. Online counseling is rapidly growing in popularity as the evidence shows that virtual counseling is equally as effective as in-person sessions. 

As a counselor, I can confirm that we want to help you become the best version of yourself whether it be face to face, or screen to screen. It’s important to look into the options available to you, and decide what you feel is best. I can help you work through physical stress that comes from anxiety, depression, and stress management. I specialize in brainspotting, thought challenging, and deep processing techniques. I intensively work with teens, and adults by helping you learn the skills needed to live a happy, healthy, fulfilled life. Reach out at 281-937-4737, or email me, to work together, today!


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